Literally. Three and a half weeks ago, I started experiencing a pretty intense pain directly under my xiphoid process. For those of us who have gone through this, we KNOW when something is abnormal. This certainly felt abnormal. It was almost as painful as when I had gall bladder attacks.
So, I did what any normal person does now and consulted Dr. Google. (Don't do this people...really!!!) I didn't really come to any definite conclusion. I narrowed it down to two was an internal hernia and the other... well, let me back up a bit.
About two months ago (maybe longer) I got on a kick of eating Rotel tomatoes for lunch. That's it. Like it was tomato soup or something...just spicy. Multiple times per week. I like tomatoes. They're healthy, right? Plus, I had gotten into a really bad habit of drinking waaaaaaaaaaaaay to much coffee. (yes, I admit it) CME tried to warn me - but of course I know better, right? After all, I've had no complications from this surgery. MD took me off Prilosec. I'm fine. I'm nearly 3 years post-op. Pshaw! I'll eat my Rotel and drink my coffee.
But the pain didn't go away, though it did subside if I ate. Two things here...I was eating more frequently to try to avoid the pain (aka consuming more than I should) and I was trying to mask the problem. I'm a smart person...yet wow can I ignore tell-tale signs! So, as I was tired of being in pain I decided to take my hubby's advice and I wound up buying some Prilosec OTC. I know it takes a while to work, but after 3 days...pain free! So can you guess what I may have been suffering from? I'm still guessing, but if there is a clearer indication of an ulcer forming I don't know what it is.
I've stopped the Rotel and have cut back on coffee - about 1/2 what I was consuming. I've been pain free for almost a week now. I called bariatric center today and MD has called in a new Rx for Prilosec. He wants me to take 2/day until I see him next month for my 3 year post-op. Standard questions were asked: Consuming alcohol? Nope. Smoking/tobacco? Definitely NO! Advil/Motrin/NSAIDs? Nope. He did mention it's not common to have an ulcer this far out - but I really do believe I did it myself. Not because of the pouch. Heck, a normal stomach might have a problem trying to handle what I was doing!
So I live and learn. Now to shed the 6 lbs I gained in those weeks I was eating more than I should have to try to avoid the pain. Consequences of my bad judgement, but still not defined by it!
Thankful that I am aware of what's going on in my body and even though I can be stubborn at times, I do learn. Thankful for CME who speaks medically sound advice to me so I don't freak out by Dr. Google's diagnosis! Thankful for the minor issue that makes me even more aware of the blessing I've been given through this surgery. I cannot take it for granted!
Oh...and hi. It's been a while! ;-)
"I praise you [God] because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." ~Psalm 139:14