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Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Exercise and I still aren't the best of friends.  Yes, I walk more now, but I'm not consistent.  I "run" the stairs (aka walk up them briskly when I need to go from floor to floor) at work.  But I've just not been as faithful in exercising as I know I need to be.  I could list all the reasons...busy schedule, too tired, boys' schedule etc. etc. etc.  But the truth of the matter is, I still don't like it. Period.  Yes, I liked Body Pump, but after the dizziness issue, I stopped going.  I really should try it again...I've only had dizziness issues occasionally now.  :::makes note to try to get back to a BP class:::

I need some motivation.  So here's what I'm going to do.  I'm going to participate in three 5K races in the next two months!  I'm contemplating whether to walk the first and walk/run the next two or just walk them all and work on increasing my time each race.  Regardless, I'm going to do them. One of my by goals was to participate in a half marathon...which I've not done either. I was so proud of my oldest daughter...she finished her first half marathon earlier this month.  I'm ashamed to admit that I was too chicken to try.  I was afraid that I'd fail.  That I'd not finish or that I'd puke or something.  Yet, my daughter, who hadn't trained at all, did it!  Proud and inspiring moment! Still keeping that on my "must do" list.

Anyway, for some accountability, I'm going to list the 5Ks that I'm doing.  I'll post after each one and let you know how I did.

Turkey Day 5K
Jingle Bell Run

Here's to being able to walk 5Ks even though I complain about exercise! Thank you God for giving me the health to do this!  

"I praise you [God] because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." ~Psalm 139:14

Thursday, October 17, 2013

If People Just Understood

I've often mentioned how the emotional part of this journey is the hardest. Years of listening to lies and falling prey to the insecurities that obesity causes is really difficult to overcome.  Sometimes I wish I could really verbalize how my brain has functioned in the past.  And though I've exposed bits and pieces of it during various posts, I know that I've not adequately described the thought process of a food addict.  Unless you experience it, I'm not sure that you really can fully understand.

That being said, CME ran across this article in one of the "junk mail" newspapers we get.  I found it on the web and thought I'd share it.  Though it still doesn't do justice to those of us who fight this addiction, it is from the perspective of a psychologist and expert in weight management.  She touches not only on obesity, but anorexics and bulimics as well.  I could actually relate to the person on the plane she mentions in the article.

I really hope you'll click the link below and read on...

Food Issues Often Misunderstood

My hope in posting this is to help others understand.  To help people realize that the old cliche that "you can't judge a book by its cover" is more than cliche.  I never really thought about my comments when I'd say that the "skinny" person should eat a twinkie (or two)!  As far as I know they could have been bulimic or anorexic.  God constantly humbles me with the reminder that I, too, can be judgmental.  I'm thankful for his promise in Lamentations 3:22-23:  "The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness" (ESV)
"I praise you [God] because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." ~Psalm 139:14

Friday, October 11, 2013

Good for Me

This past Tuesday, I was able to speak at  bariatric center about my experience with gastric bypass surgery.  It’s not the first time…as a matter of fact, I think this was the 3rd time I’ve spoken at an informational meeting.  And you know what?  It’s good for me.  Here’s why: it helps me to remember how far I’ve come.

As I looked around the room, I saw “me” in another person’s body.  The old me, that is.  I started my talk and could tell when I said something that touched on the emotions of the people there.  I remember, very vividly, sitting where they were sitting just two years ago.  I remember the feelings I had at that time.  Feelings of fear and sadness and the thought that I’d never get to eat again if I had this surgery.  I remember the emotional baggage that was attached to my life then…to the weight.  And as I continued to talk, I was able to get some laughter from a few people.  I saw a lot of head nods.  I saw a lot of what I interpreted to be hope from some that they too could experience life the way I’ve been blessed to experience it.

Same questions are usually asked – Why RNY?  What about extra skin?  What about people who aren’t supportive?  Why this facility?  What do you get to eat?  How much?  And so on and so on…But this question was new this time, “Sure you were motivated at the beginning because you HAD to be or you’d get sick.  What keeps you motivated now that you’re 17 months out from surgery?”  Wow!  What a good question.  The first part of my response was the confession that I’m still a food addict, but I went on to tell them that I start every morning with the simple prayer to Jesus that I choose Him over food.  I then let them know that I also refuse to be unhealthy again.  I’ve got too much to do to treat my body like a garbage can.  I’ve got too much life to live to be 300lbs!  I added the fact that it’s fun to buy cute clothes. :-) Hey…what can I say? It’s the truth.

Anyway, I’m glad I was able to share some of my story again.  It was a blessing to be reminded how far God has brought me.  It was a blessing to remember the sadness that I felt back then and know that I will not go back to that life!  Yes, this was good for me!