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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

I Did It

I made it through telling my story at bariatric center.  Yes, I was nervous.  I don't know why since this is my story, but I was.  I felt like I was a little scattered in how I was throwing things out there (definitely not in any chronological order).  But overall, I think people understood where I was going with it.  

I touched on things like how I came to the decision; unable to do things with my sons in scouting and how I heard God tell me that the obese, pain ridden person was not who He created me to be.  I talked about how the weight of the emotional side of the journey was harder to deal with than the physical weight.  I talked about the small complications I had at the hospital. I mentioned that first NSV of my sons face and amazement when he realized he could get his arms around me.  I told them how I left my informational meeting thinking I'd never get to eat again...but how that was a total lie and that I still LOVE to eat, but that I am treating food as a means of life support not as a reward, or friend to comfort me.  I told them that I felt bariatric center did a GREAT job of preparing me for the surgery...nutritionally as well as emotionally.  I told them to take advantage of that!  I mentioned exercise and how I still struggle getting in what I need to, but that its a must for long term success.  (note to self)  I gave an example of what my typical food intake looks like...at 9 months out.  I reminded them that WLS won't cure their obesity.  This surgery won't fix food addictions.  There is still a lot of work to be done.  I read them the analogy of the life boat.  I answered questions about how much time I was off work, what about the extra skin, has anything made me sick?  Oh!  I told them if they pursue this surgery... DO NOT CHEAT!  I told them that they deserve to NOT cheat.  They are worth this and they should not cheat themselves.  I bragged on the staff at the bariatric center.  I truly feel they deserve it!  I was asked my suggestion on how to tell family who would be opinionated.  I told them that I handled it this way, "I know you're concerned.  Feel free to discuss your concerns among yourselves. I will not discuss them with you."  The person who asked this said that she hadn't thought of it as concern before, but just that her parents were opinionated.  She said that looking at it now, she bets it is out of concern.

I don't remember what else was really discussed, I just hope that there was something I said that helped them.  I don't know if I'm still suppose to speak next month or not.  I didn't ask.  If I am speaking, the one thing I will do differently is to have a little more order to what I say.  Regardless, I'm glad I did this.  It gave me some time to really look back at the past 9 months (year including pre-op) and be truly thankful for God's guidance and the work He has done in me already!  He is so faithful!
"I praise you [God] because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." ~Psalm 139:14

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